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Clever Question To Take Control of The Conversation

Tips On Reading This Free Report On Your Computer
We suggest you print this Free Report right away. Choose “print” from the “file” menu right now. That way you will be able to easily access these powerful questions on your next sales call, or study the print-out right before your next client meeting.

You also may also want to read this Report on your computer. For the best experience, try this:

1) From the top menu choose view > full screen. Or just hit"control L"
2) Once you are in full screen mode, use "control +" and "control –"
to zoom in and out until you are comfortable with the text size.
3) Then use the "page down" and "page up" keys (instead of the mouse) to move forward and back through the Report.
4) To get out of full screen mode, hit "control L" again, or hit the "Esc" key.

Here we go ... download complete article, here


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